Dear God,

Today, I decided to start a blog.
Well, on blogspot anyway, seeing as I already have one over at wordpress, but that one was for a different purpose.

Last night, I decided to spend some time meditating, and for once, reading and soaking up Your words. I find it easier to write letters to you as a prayer, rather than sit there and pray. It really helps with the feeling that I have a relationship with you. It feels like we're friends, like father-daughter, through the letters it feels like I can actually have a conversation and wait for your reply.
I hope to make that a daily occurrence, it feels nice :)

Hopefully, through this blog, which will be an outlet for letters, and in the future maybe for actual blogs, I'll learn some things. Expose some things. Find some things.

with love,
your naive child.
4 Responses
  1. Dear Naive Child,

    I love your naivety! That's why you will be forever bagged!!! happy blogging,

    Yours Sincerely,
    Hopelessly Hopeful.

  2. Unknown Says:

    Welcome aboard! *Hugs*

  3. Anonymous Says:

    if this is who I think it is (and I think it is) then, yay! RCoC's blogging community is growing :D

  4. J... Says:

    hello my Naive friend =)

    nothing can beat the feeling of being in His presences.
    Knowing that He will never forsake us. That He is always watching over us. Wanting the best for us.

    Pity sometimes we lean on our own strength and understanding to much and not giving our lives over to Him.

    Look forward to your future blogs

    Much love,
