
And it’s those days that I wish the wind would pick me up and whisk me away in its comforting embrace into my imagination.

The days when the sun shines gently upon the world, and we bask in it while squinting up, a smile graced on our face in gratitude.

The days when you dream that you were in a vast field, lush green grass and rolling hills spread over for miles never ending.

The days that you would wear a light, cotton summer dress, and run barefoot without a care in the world.

The days that the birds chirp proudly for you, the butterflies decide they want you to be their flower, and your dog would run in front of you, begging you to chase him with that cheeky grin of his.

It’s the kind of clichéd day that we all dream for, that we all wish to live in and not have to think about anything at all.

2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I hope uni's going well :). We missed you :).

    That day sounds beautiful.

  2. Unknown Says:

    now that you have more time on your hands, I hope you share more of your happy waves here, Dee :). I always feel uplifted when I read your posts :). Keep it up!
