I know it's been an awfully long time since I've posted on here, and nobody probably reads this blog anymore, but that's okay. I'm just going to use it as my own little outlet for now.
Originally, I hadn't planned to post anything again...the reason being that I felt that I didn't have anything to post anymore. But every now and then, I'd want to just type something, write something, something which I couldn't talk about, and didn't do any good being chewed back and forth in my mind (I think my mind started to chew itself). I tried simply typing it into Notepad...but felt that it was all for nought when I would press close and not save it.
Thus, this blog comes back into use purely because I didn't want my typing to all go to the bin, and if I saved the file then it would sit on my computer forever, and when opened again to be read, I'd feel utterly stupid. There's just something different about posting on a blog.
But I digress from what I originally wanted to write.
There are times, when you're on a fence. You can either sit on that fence, and be perfectly fine and content, or you can choose to jump off and walk to either side.
My fence only has one side for me to walk, but I'm not sure whether I want to jump off the fence. I'm not even sure whether I'm ever going to, or whether I'm supposed to. Maybe a fence is a really bad metaphor (on second thought, it is really bad).
Sometimes there are things that we can make decisions for. Decisions whether we want to pursue, or to leave quiet. But what if, when pursued, it doesn't yield a favourable result? I'm not worried about myself, I only worry about others that may be affected during pursuit, if in the case that I realise that the pursuit hasn't resulted in what I expected, and so I stop and realise that it should have been left quiet.
Yet again, if I don't pursue, then I will never know. I will never know what the possible result could have been. Maybe I'm scared to know. I'm scared if it doesn't turn out positive, and turns out negative instead.
At the moment, it seems most likely that I will jump off that fence. But Lord, please help me, Holy Spirit guide me, and if it doesn't result, forgive me.